Thursday, August 13, 2015

10 Tips and tricks for tommorrow exam

1.Try to find out some clues about the thing       appear on the paper

  This will help you a lot to mange your time on such a rush day.But it is OK if you couldn't find any.
 2.Don't give up

     if it has just few hours for your exam first you must keep in your mind is not to give up your exam.though  you are weak at the subject which you have to face tomorrow, never mind!Just make yourself confident with the thought that you 'll do your best in the exam.

3.Don't waste your time to bother or  to worry

   Don't get confused or worried about the amount you still haven't went through.Just focus on the things you are familiar with and go through them again and again.If you have clues or some hints given by the teacher, what is on the paper though that facts are familiar to you or not spent sometime to go through them.

4.Don't waste your time

   If you don't have short notes,don't make them now,its a waste of time.It's better to go through the notes while highlighting the important facts.


   Go through your old exercises that you've already done.Take some rough sheets and read the question and look at the answer you've written in your exercise and write the answer on the rough sheet.

6.Make rough sketches

   If you have important diagrams to remember draw them roughly while looking your notes to have a clear image of the diagram for the last time.

7.Late your bed time.

   Take 1-2 hours of time your sleep and do some study.If you are OK to spent your next day bit lack of sleep,  take more time. It says that you have to take a a good sleep when you are facing a test or an exam.But for the people who study in the last minute, like me, this 'll really help.Make sure that you have a sleep of couple of hours.

8.Write the most wanted most forgettable facts.

    Take double page and  roughly write the facts which really important and bit hard to keep in mind.Take it with with you and keep it for the last moment you are ask to remove your things,refer it as much as you can.


     At the very next moment you receive the fist paper test paper or something else provide for he exam or the test.write the fact your are doubt that you 'll forget in a corner.It works great for equations and formulae.

10.If possible,cheat.

    If you can get some help of someone in the test don't miss it.Make sure that  you getting the answers from a person never give you wrong answers and you not get caught.And if you have a chance help your friends too.


8 tips to make your studies interesting?

14 easy study tips to follow for better results!

14 Easy study tips every student must know for better results!

  You are tired and fed of studying?Yes, I heard your deep breath thrown out with frustration!And that's why you read this post!And that's why I share some easy tips for you to have better results in this posts!Yeah you came to the right place!Don't worry your time spending on my blog won't be a waste.
read them and follow them!Better results are guaranteed.

1.Select a time which will work with you most
   It may be morning,evening,night or after mid night.'Oh!why morning starts so early?',is that you?Can you watch movies until today become yesterday?Then the best time for you is the night.If you like to do your studies with a new and fresh way morning is the best!Try studying in different times.You'll find what is the best time for you.

  To me it's after mid night!Because that's the time full of silence,calm and peace and alone(whole world dis sleeping and I'm the one who awake to watch the stars;))

2.Balance the subjects

    Make a time table giving more amount of time for the subjects you weak at less time for the subjects you good at. Make sure you study for 45 minutes to 1 hour  at a time and take  a break of 15 minutes.
 Change the subject you study after a session(45min to 1 hour time)

   Make sure to learn by hear-ting subjects and logical subject one after another .eg:- if you had literature in the first  session study maths in the next session
    3. Identify the part which will defiantly be on the test paper
        whole syllabus of the subjects is not on the test paper.So refer to some past papers and try to identify come the parts often comes the sections which 'll never come.
      4.Make short notes

         If you have much time to study,refer you text books and notes and everything you seem important sources,and make a one complete note gathering everything together.if not dot go for it.(flash cards  or highlighters are better for you)
        5. Highlight your notes

            Just highlight the important terms and words which will give you the whole idea of the paragraph only by go through the high lighted  words. eg;-A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Other stars, mostly in the Milky Way, are visible from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points due to their immense distance. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms,

        6.Make flash cards.

           Flash card are good for memorizing equations,formula ,
        definitions and important fact.

        7.Make  lists of  equations and formula

              It 'll make easy to memorize those when all the things are on one paper.Also, you can bring those on exam day to the school to have a final look at the very last moment.
          8.Make study banners

            Get a big paper and write important things  and diagrams you have to keep in mind in bold letters in different pens and colors as much as you can.Make it look attractive and funny by adding some stickers or few jokes at the corners.Draw some random drawings of anything you prefer which you 'll think give it a crazy look.Stick them on your wall or any place your eye get caught with out any attempt.
            9.Enjoy a bit while you study

              Memories what happen in the class room while you are learning the part you study at the moment, what question or doubt come to your mind,what your friend asked at that time or whatever you remember on that moment.It 'll help to memorize that particular part clearly, at the test just after you give a hint on the situation you learned it at the class room.If you looking for more ways to enjoy while study,this 'll help you too.8 tips to make your studies interesting
              10.Reason to study

                       Find a good reason why you should study to make you interest in studying.Believe me,'to get a good pass' won't work .Think about something else.Mine was the teachers.There were many teachers who didn't like me,thanks to my tongue.So all of them want to watch me fail ,because I'd criticize them in their face.So my results was so important to me,because I wanted to show them i'm succeeding year by year!

              11.Write and draw  important words and diagrams,while you study on a rough paper.

              No neat and tidy is required for this.Draw rough flow charts while you study of experiments maths or procedure of something on any subject.Write formulae and equations again and again.Solve the sums you've done in the class again again.This writing 'll help you to get a clear memory of the lesson without any doubt about certain facts when you memorize them on the test.

                  No mater how you follow the above tips if you don't study. Go through all the ave notes flash cards and bla bla again and again AS MUCH AS you can.Don't wait till the last week.Complete your studies without a rush!
                  13.Go through the sections you've studied already and confident you've completely finished.

                       Make sure you take an over roll view of  sections you are confident as you've finish studying including all the flash cards short notes.Though you confident that you've already finish those after 2- 3 days of time the clearance of the stuff you studied get reduce.On what things you don't have a clear memory will get caught and cured by following this tip.
                    14.Write answers

                    Collect some past papers or model papers or questions and answer as much as you can.Ask for the seniors for past papers and answer  them again and again!


                      4 tips to complete your studies without a rush!

                      Are you a student of any kind of heck?

                      Are you someone who struggles to manage your studies without any miss?

                      Then this post is for you!

                        So no doubt when it comes to studies no matter how much you like it, it sucks to the max!

                        You know a day got 24 hours which is a lot but there are days you feel like you need more time in a day (at least another 5 more) and those days are the days before the exam!

                         And I’m sure that you must know what the resent for your “more hours day” dream,ha? It’s because you have lot of studies to finish in the last few days, which sometimes you haven’t go through at least once. Is there anyone who had that feeling within the last few days before the exam that, 

                      ‘I’ll be able to cover up all I’ve missed even when few weeks after the exam?'

                       HE-HE! To be honest I was such a good student! ;)
                      I know you too may think when it’s near for an exam, 

                      'it’s alright this time. I’ll catch up everything and do my best for the next!'

                        So this tip are for the ppz who wish to do your studies in your best for the next exam and for the ones who still have enough time to get ready for this exam!

                       1.Don’t wait

                      “Don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow comes when today get spent itself”

                         There is no auspicious time to start your studies. Start it now don’t wait for a good time or a right time, because this moment is the best. You may be tired or may be feel bad, But don’t let it make you beat down. Start your studies at least go through couple of pages or solve some problems (at least try) because if you never start it’ll never happen.

                      2. Finish it now

                      Finish all you’ve learn today!


                           Yeah!Try to go through what you’ve learn today by today itself. It’ll give you make you easy to understand what you have learned clearly than you refer it tomorrow. You don’t have to by heart everything but just go through you notes and the problems you’ve solved.

                      3. Manage your time

                         You may be working and study at the same time or may be doing lot of extra work while you study; therefore you need a good time plan to balance everything.

                      Time table! What nonsense!

                      Never work!

                        That’s true. Most of you make a time table and.. And what? Nothing. It’s just there!

                       Trust me my time tables only come up when I unfold my old notes! haha

                         So that’s why you need to have a imaginary time map in your mind. If you like you can materialize it too. I suggest you to keep a time frame for your studies. It may be 5 hours a day or may be 10 hours or how the hell know it’s 15 hours a day (kidding) ,depending on the amount of studies you still have to finish. 

                        So you just have to concentrate only to accomplish your amount of hours per day.And make an agreement with yourself to cover up the hours you missed yesterday with in today!

                      4. Plan your studies

                         Here I’m talking about the thing you have to do in each day. So make a study plan so you won’t miss or forget anything. Make a list according to the priority, weekly basis or monthly basis.

                         This kind of a plan‘ll help you ,in your time plan too. Because it’ll remind you about the assessments you have to submit and the homework and the exercise you have to finish as well as the parts you should study targeting your exam.

                         I thought to give a pretty printable weekly plan for you, where you can use it with the sticky papers you have, to save your study time. If you are interested to get one, drop me a mail with #weeklyplanscylla,to

                      10 Tips and tricks for tommorrow exam
                      14 easy study tips to follow for better results!
                      8 tips to make your studies interesting?

                      5 proven study techniques for Students


                         Are frustrated with your studies? Bored and fed up with your studies? Looking for easy and more productive ways to hit your goals?

                         Yo! You've come to the right place. Stay for a while and read till the end. I promise you won’t regret!

                         Education is a  most powerful weapon in the world, which cannot be priced with money ,since there is no limitation. But the problem is, still its bit hard. So, I thought to help you guys with some techniques which will help you to do your studies easily and more productively! Here I give you 5 proven techniques in front of my eyes! Try them and find the best way match for you by your own. Because no one is, similar when it comes to studies!

                        Time is short and there’s lot more to do. So read this and start doing it now. I mean right now. And don’t forget to share your own techniques as a help to your kind; students!


                      1. Read loud

                      If you have a dream, you can spend a lifetime studying, planning, and getting ready for it. What you should be doing is getting started.-Drew Houston-

                         If you are someone who like more noise, this‘ll work for you. All you have to do is, Take your notes and read out loud what you study. Keep a volume which make you hear your own voice. Studying with reading will feed your note in two ways to yourself. Even for math you can use this technique. I had a friend who mummer what she does in the problem in each step.
                      E.g.” Add thirty to ten, then you get forty. Divide it by tree……”

                      How it feed your memory?
                      1.By sight
                      2.By reading
                      3.By hearing

                          2.Use visual guidance 

                      Some advice: keep the flame of curiosity and wonderment alive, even when studying for boring exams. 
                      Love art??Can you remember what you see? Try this!

                        Get your notes and redesign your notes with more visual guidance.Flash cards,study banners, Flow charts, diagrams, bubble method and tables even unnecessary stupid drawing of yours can use as your visual guidance. These‘ll help you to summarize and organize your notes, and to get the core of the lesson leaving unnecessary parts.
                      Let’s take an example.

                      What are vitamins?

                      There are two types of vitamins: fat-soluble and water-soluble.
                      Fat-soluble vitamins
                      Fat-soluble vitamins are found mainly in fatty foods and animal products, such as vegetable oils, milk and dairy foods, eggs, liver, oily fish and butter.
                      While your body needs these vitamins every day to work properly, you don't need to eat foods containing them every day.
                      This is because your body stores these vitamins in your liver and fatty tissues for future use. These stores can build up so they are there when you need them. However, if you have much more than you need, fat-soluble vitamins can be harmful.
                      Fat-soluble vitamins are
                      vitamin A
                      vitamin D
                      Vitamin E
                      Vitamin K
                      Water-soluble vitamins
                      Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, so you need to have them more frequently.
                      If you have more than you need, your body gets rid of the extra vitamins when you urinate. As the body does not store water-soluble vitamins, these vitamins are generally not harmful. However, this doesn't mean that all large amounts are necessarily harmless.
                      Water-soluble vitamins are found in a wide range of foods, including fruit, vegetables, potatoes, grains, milk and dairy foods. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, they can be destroyed by heat or being exposed to the air. They can also be lost in water used for cooking.
                      This means that by cooking foods, especially boiling them, we lose some of these vitamins. The best way to keep as many of the water-soluble vitamins as possible is to steam or grill foods, rather than boil them, or to use the cooking water in soups or stews rather than pouring it away.
                      Water-soluble vitamins are vitamin C, the B vitamins and folic acid.
                      There are also many other types of vitamins and minerals that are an important part of a healthy diet.”

                      This is a Flow chart which contain the points essential in the above paragraph. That’s all important with in the words!
                      So what’s easy for you?

                      How it feed your memory?
                      1. By sight

                       3. Teach

                      The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.-Aristotle-

                          Yes teaching! It’s a really good way for any of you, only if you are a good at explaining things. You might be wondering how you get an opportunity to teach (You are still studying ha!)Don’t worry!That what friends are for. You can invite your friends to have a group study or you can help one of your friend to understand what he can’t. 
                         Don’t worry he won’t get good credits than you with your help!(he might get more credits so what? He is you friend) So help others and get improve yourself. But make sure that you know the lesson and have figured out it correctly. If you have even a little doubt about some point, ask him to wait for the next day until you can trust your knowledge.

                         It’s an exam!!If you refer to you memory in a wrong way, that’s bad and If you feed someone with a wrong concept that’s very bad. So make sure you understand the lesson.
                      I remember the way my friends and used to have group study sessions where everyone had a part of the lesson to explain.

                      How it feed your memory?
                      1.By explaining
                      2.By hearing
                      3.By discussing


                      Start writing ,for the sake of your grades
                      Write what you study simultaneously is another productive way you can improve your memory. All you have to do is just write down what you study roughly in a piece of paper. Important words, headings, important points, diagrams, symbols, equations, expressions, write down everything you feel as important. After you finish you studies, just go through that rough paper, and again in the next day morning. You can do it! Going through a paper doesn’t take lot of time.

                         I started to follow that technique when I was doing my finals. I have heard it from the days I went to middle school but I was too lazy to reach my bundle of rough work sheet, whenever I started studying. if you also someone like me, don’t let your laziness to win, go get some rough work papers, because it really guys!

                      How it feed your memory?
                      1.By sight
                      2.By reading
                      3.By writing

                      5. Listen

                      Spend sometime to listen  something wroth you,while spend most of the time with music.
                      You know I had a friend who went to three tuition classes for one subject.

                      What the hell does he have time to study??No!

                           Do you believe if I say he never study, because he’s memory is a recorder, he remember every word thought in the class. He has no need of revising them because the lessons are in his brain as letters carved on a rock. Don’t worry he is just a weird creature, god forgot you finish editing.

                          As creatures god have properly edited we don’t have that super brain. But still we can get good results with this techniques. You remember the lyrics of your favourite song ha?


                          Because you have listened it again and again and again. That have automatically made the wards in the song familiar to you and then you know wall the lyrics. That’s what happen with your lessons too. Get a your phone and record your lessons explain by you or you can record when it taught in the class. And listen to it. Just let it reach your ear. Without any effort you’ll learn the lesson!

                      How it feed your memory?

                      1.By hearing

                      'If you have a dream, you can spend a lifetime studying, planning, and getting ready for it. What you should be doing is getting started.'-Drew Houston-

                      Now you are done with reading.So start doing it now!

                      8 Proven tips to make your studies interesting?

                      Time is short!So, start it now.The world doesn't,that you are bored or pity or fed up in studies.They only care to see your failure.So start it now.I'll help you to make studies interest.

                          1.Try group studies.

                                   Gather some of your friends to a place; it may be the park or one of your house or your school or a class and work together. It’ll be more fun than studying alone.But makes sure to do more studies and fewer jokes and chat. Try to add few nerdy friends to your group it’ll give you more knowledge .In this kind of practice you can share your knowledge among each other. So everyone one find things they didn’t know or haven’t had a clear idea. But no worries you can fix it right at the moment because you got the resource person. But fist of all identify your favor of studying because some doesn’t get more in group work since they are lone workers.

                        2.Engage in some kind of an n activity you like with studies.

                                I mean in the breaks. I think everyone should go with a time plan in your studies. I don’t mean it as a sheet with a label called (time table).Anything makes you cover your targeted amount of work at the end of the day is ok. Always keep in mind to keep some time gaps within your study secessions.(15 -20 mins)Within those time periods you can enjoy what you like. But be honest to yourself and stop it just in time. And that’ll make you wait till the next break to complete.

                        3.Listen to music.

                                  It’s a good way to cancel the noise outside and to get rid of your broadness.

                        4.Don’t stay in the same posture.

                                 You may be used to study on your desk or in any other place. Don’t limit to a frame and try different postures while studying.sit on a chair, walk, sit on the couch, take your legs on the table, and work on the floor or anything. Change your posture in every twenty minutes. It’ll also keep you away from getting bored.

                          5.Try new places.

                      Don’t work in the same place. There is no such thing to study in a room. Go to a nearby park, study on your roof top, Climb up a tree, Go to a library ,Work in the corner of your stadium.try a new place but it should be less noisy and less distinctive

                      6.Avoid beds.

                       I know, I know it’s the most comfortable place in the world for studies, and that’s why you should avoid studying in your bed. Bed is really comfortable and it is where you sleep. So you’ll soon feel sleepy and bored. So no bed!

                      7.Write and draw.

                      While you are studying roughly write what you studying or by hearting or whatever. Writing while you study is a an effective technique in study. It’ll make you remember what you study more strangely at the same time it’ll make you less bored. Not only writing you can draw too. Draw things which are related to what’s in your notes but still funny.

                      8.Change you subjects often.

                      It’s better if you can change the subject you study in every one to one and half hour. It’ll too help you to not to get bored.

                      15 Ways to Make Studying Less Stressful for Maximum ...

                      Wednesday, August 5, 2015

                      Who are you?Tested way with 3 steps to Identify yourself!

                      The fragrance make you identify a rose even when you’ve closed your eyes. The taste make you identify the piece of cheese even in dark. The light coming from your window pane make you identify the glorious morning coming ahead even when you are unconscious in sleep. So what make you identify ‘YOU’ even in dark and when unconscious? What are you?

                        Don’t know? Then right now is time to identify it! I’m here to help you with it, with the simple suggestions I’ve introduced to you below.

                        What make you identify is,the way you describe yourself altogether with your passion, thoughts, behaviours.So how this description going to end up after you add all your behaviours,likes,dislikes,passion,dreams,goals and ….what else.

                        Simply how long will it going to be? And that’s why you need label for this’s what is your label?Your label is the words which describe you, your passion, your goals, the type of success you search in your life.

                        Are you too a person who tried to find your label, answering to those fancy quizzes on the internet? Answering to the questions like, what is your favourite colour, your favourite singer, what are the three words describes yourself, will give you the best label for you?

                        I don’t know about ‘you’, probably you’ll get a label for one thousandth part of you. Or may be millionth! That’s why you need to follow the easy but proven three steps to identify exactly who you are.

                      Anyway why do you need a label even?

                        Everybody know that, this world is full of opportunities as well as distractions. And that’s why the importance of a label arise. But what for?

                        Your label is the guide of your life. With your label you’ll be able to judge yourself, understand yourself, figure out what is the best for you and what are your needs. Also it’ll lead you in the right direction, where you want your life to go for, without decelerating your journey, thanks to distraction.You know, the time is short but the destination is far from you. Your label
                       ‘ll help you to stay out of distractions and remind you to concentrate on, what important to you the most is.

                      ‘You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.’-Dr. Seuss-

                      So, how to find the most correct label for you? (Is ‘most correct’ is correct?, whatever!)

                      1. Write it down

                      Write down all the labels you’ve been labeled. What?!!
                      Just write every label you’ve got.

                         1. The labels you got. (From your parents, your family, and your friends, from your college or your university.)

                          2. The labels you’ve earned by yourself. (Profession, positions, labels earned due to your own acts)

                          3. The labels the society has labeled you with.

                          4. The labels you have inside you (your inspirations, your behaviours, your favours)

                          5. The labels you need yourself to get labeled with.

                          6. There may be the labels refer your bad habits or your bad qualities. It’s alright. Don’t’ think about them just write what you’ve got like you are drunk.

                      2. Analyze

                       Take time and think about the labels you’ve labeled with so far, taking one at time. Is this label really work for you? Is this label really describe you? Does this label worth you? What are the labels you want to drop? What is the label you need to concentrate on? This label is an insult for me, but I can ignore it either. Think and analyze!

                      3. Cut off

                       Start cutting all the unnecessary words. Cut off every word, you feel unnecessary, leaving the labels which make you feel that “you must be there on my label list’. It may be a black label or may be an ash one, if it’s really inside you and appear over you, then leave it there, until you give up that bad.

                        If it is a black mark, just cut it down, because one black mark is not worth to keep you behind, for the rest of your life. But, make sure you never let it happen to you again.

                       Cut everything else until you remain with seven words. If you can narrow your label even more that’s better.

                      Finally you have your ‘most correct labels for you’ (that sounds primary English even worst I know)

                          Make those words your guide in your life. Always memorize them, those word will help you to understand, what you need in your life and the type of success you expect in your life. So, use your labels to stay focus only on, what you really need, letting all the unnecessary fantasies to pass you by.


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