Recently,I had to miss my lectures due to a family function,so I asked one of my friend to give me his notes, so I can get copies from it.When I was at the class next day ,he didn't give me notes but copies of them.He has copied all the notes for me ,which was a real help to me ,because I was still busy with that post function things.I was really thankful of his work and thanked him for about ten minutes.And he said only one word.
'It's my pleasure'
You hear that?'It's my pleasure'
That's the reply back you get ,whenever you thanked for a help of someone.Is that really a pleasure to help others,according to the above expression?Then why you think twice to help another?Pleasure isn't a bad thing!
Everyone know that, this world is crazy competitive and each of us compete for lot of things, throughout our life time,ha?The action of 'help'is now being a strange thought to the present world due to this massive competition.This have made people cross their arms, when someone ask for a help.
Is there is a connection between 'helping others and this'competition'?
Nothing at all!
Helping others doesn't mean that you loose chances.
Helping others doesn't ,make you get back in the race when the other pass you by,towards victory.It doesn't make the other faster than you ,in the way along for your success.
Am I correct?
If you have tried your best and put more effort and dedication and hard work,it 'll lead to your success but not the weak competitors around you!Because,if you haven't had the above factors,you'll also be a part of that weak group and no chance for you too.My friend and I are best competitors for being the batch top in every semester,But he still offer me a great friendship,because he have realized this point.
Selfishness is what hold you back;what made you think again!That 'ish' doesn't realize that no bad can do to a helping hand!
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle.But will it's light get diminished?Will it's life get shorten?
Sharing is the same.
Employing your knowledge,intelligence,compassion,also resources as you can,to help another,will give you satisfaction and 'll add a value to yourself.
'We make living by what we get,we make life by what we give'
-Winston Churchill-I'm sure,you must be already living.So, keep a step forward to upgrade you, from'living'to 'life'.Because it'll make true and worthy impact on you.You'll be pleased whenever you remind what you have done.
World give everything to us,without asking anything in return.Thought of compassion and will to help others are really easy,but still worthy ways you can repay the world.
"Service to others is a rent you pay for your room here on earth"-Mohamed Ali-
As people who posses a heart,we have to teach ours hearts to melt in other's pain,because if the people who have helped you haven't had that kind of heart,Where your life'll be today?Though we admit or not,we all in circulating circle ,where no one can escape.Therefore we can't ignore anyone categorizing,under the name of 'useless'
So,take a minute and think ,why you missed to give your hand,when someone ask for a help?(Don't lie to your self that 'i'm helping everyone'.Think about the moment you missed to help intentionally)Think why you missed it? What thought made you miss it?Is there any good logic behind that reason or just been a selfish?
Start to help people as much as you can and whenever you can.Thrust me, a single word can also be a great help to someone.Never try to make it simplify with the word"charity".Start it now!Because the life we have been offered,should be use for something more than ourselves.Also keep in mind,
'You get what you give'
What more important is shaping your heart and sharping your mind!
Have you ever beaten down by the dark?
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