Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I missed my culture

  Today is a very special day for my country and all the people live here. It’s because of the New Year day. According to my culture beginning of the New Year starts from today, 14th of April not in 1st of January .But now we celebrate both days as the beginning of a new year. 

  I know its bit stupid! There cannot be 2 beginnings for one year. But I see it as a situation where the global village concept and the tradition of one’s nature mixed together and move forward in harmony.

  Global village concepts try minimizing the world to one village. One village has only one tradition one nation one language and one set of customs. But in practically this concept completely can’t make work ,since the world is consist of many cultures and traditions with much different type of nations.

   But if you ignore this concept you’ll be a very separate person from the rest of the world. Since everything in a society go with a wave, you have to move forward with it while ,you are continuing you own identity. If you go against the wave your chance of survival may get less.

Though there are no such specifications, the world specially the powerful countries who try to control the world seem, want to exist their cultures and traditions in this global village. But the very great cultures in the rest of the world have completely different customs and traditions which may bit stupid sometime. But that’s the culture and the tradition made their generations and generations great. 

  The youth in these countries who are not belonging to the western culture consider their heritage, specially their customs and traditions, so annoying and stupid. They think that their parents’ beliefs have no value and no use. They only follow these customs only to get rid from their parents.

I also one belong to that kind of youth. I always try to make fun of my own culture and customs though I didn’t show it on my behavior. Especially on these New Year days it’s kind of the biggest festival to my nation. In 14th of April my whole country cooks in very one moment and eat altogether in their own houses but at the same time. Can you believe that the whole country eat together once a year?

 On that day Professional astrologers predict special auspicious time to cook, eat and to start work .So we had to wait until that special time comes. We are not allowed to eat though we starve to death. Ah! It’s not that strict, you may get something to eat if you are really really staving.;)

 It’s the time all the family get together, all the relatives and neighbors and all! It’s so exciting time for us as children, you get many cousins to play with and you are at your grandparent’s house. So it’s so much fun. But those customs make that time bit awkward. How can you play with a starving stomach?

 Sometimes it may not be the custom may be the sweets on the table make you more and hungrier. But no matter what,the custom says,you have to wait till that special time.

  It’s only one custom which made me hate my culture and made me think how better the western culture is. It seems so simple you don’t have to devote many things for those. They are simple and easy.

  For the last past 20 years that’s how I thought about my culture and traditions. But in this New Year I realize how much mind love them though I thought I hate them.

 Usually in the New Year everybody go home .and follow all the traditions. No matter what you should come home for the New Year that’s what my parents told. And I could celebrate the it for the last 20 years with them. But in this year I couldn’t visit my people since I was abroad and along in the house. I feel so upset today. So   lonely. Because this is not the New Year I used to celebrate.

  My New Year celebrations were full of fun and joy and lot if sound along. But today nothing accept loneliness. But that loneliness made me think how much I love my culture and customs. It was so annoying to me when my parents ask me to come home for the New Year. Because I thought our traditions was stupid and hanging around relatives was boring. 

  I thought what difference it makes though we celebrate the begging of the New Year.”Whether I eat on time or not tomorrow definitely‘ll come “That was past me. But today I had time to think about it a lot. I was surprised why I feel so sad? Why I feel like I missed my customs? 

 Finally It made me realize that your customs and traditions and your culture is in your blood in you DNA. They are the things you ancestors have followed for thousands for years. When you do something over and over it becomes a practice and when you do your practice more often it become part of you and your life.

  In this case too those were the things my parents get practice from those parents .My grandparents get this practice from their parents. It’s a chain for thousand and thousand of years. So you can’t remove them though you don’t like it. You can’t stop liking it and ignore it because one part of you missed them so much!

 So I like to address the parents who are having children like me, who made you afraid that you’ll be the last of your family with your own tradition and customs .Don’t worry they’ll feel the same one day as I feel now. Just teach them your own things correctly. 

  Don’t expect an honor and a respect for you customs and traditions. Let them make fun with it. Because sooner they too ’ll understand how important their culture to them. Don’t be afraid or sad of this global village thing or your child doesn’t love his culture. Because it’s not practical at all. 

  There should be a different in the world and that’s why the there are different types of flowers, birds and animals. Same as it people also should be different in cultures, traditions and customs. So realize it. Stick with it and live in it.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

How to make friends in a new environment?

  Everybody has to face participate in new environment to different ages in the life. It may be a new school, high school or a college or a new work place, new social environments are terrible. You can feel the best of terrible when you go to a new school or a high school in the middle of the term. I know how annoying is o be a a stranger to a place you have to spend lot of time with. It feel like you never gonna  get in the society. You feel like whatever you try or how much hard you try you are just at the edge of it but not in.

I also have this terrible experience and I’d like to share my tips in how I make new friends in new social environments.

 Since my father was a government officer, our whole family had to move all over the country. So I had to go for 3 schools 1 high school most of the time I attend them in the middle of terms and end up having lot of friends. So I think that I’m bit of expert in making new friends. So these are my tips on it. Hope it’ll help you too.

1. Spend smile.

Smile is the foundation in making friends. Smile is a symbol of +humbleness. Always  send your smile as much as you can without expecting anything back. If you get a smile back don’t wait to greet them.

2. Be confident.

Don’t be afraid of them. Don’t make them feel that you are weak. Be confident. Show that you                                                   are so confident though you are not. Believe me from the very next moment they figure out that you are weak some may try to use you or to bully you. Though you are uncomfortable around them don’t show them.

3. Give and gain.

When you are being a stranger to a particular society, it feel like you are ignored by the others. They may sometimes really ignoring you if it is so give them some time, don’t  judge them from the first few days behavior. That’s something I’ve learn from my experience. If it’s just a thought you have in your mind, try to make your mind to comfortable around them. Always keep in  your mind, you  always get what you give. So help them as you can. Be friendly. But never be a slave of any one.

4. Understand.

Think how you feel when you are in front of a stranger? How to spend time with someone strange? Think about from the side of the people who are already are a member in that society.They may sometimes don’t have many thinks to talk with you. To them also you are new. So how can they be comfortable around you? They may also don’t know what you interest about? What are your favours? What are the things that should not talk with you? It’s very important to understand the position they are in with new one in their society.

5. Observe.

Listen to what they talk, observe their behaviour. Figure out what their favours. Then you‘ll get some topics to talk them with. Also observations’ll help you to find your type of people in that society new.

6. Be who you are

It may need to adjust your ways to fit in the society you are new to. But these adjusting should do only for a show, for a short time to get in to the society. Never embrace anything which is not in your policy. Never do bad things to get in their society. Because a friend is someone who should like you for your very you ways. If someone likes your fake you that friendship won’t long last.

7. Time ’ll solve everything

Time is also another important factor in making friends. It may take weeks may be months. You be patient and wait for them .Give them time to understand who you are. What you like. Time solve many problems including making friends. Believe in time. It’ll give you many chances to get closer to the new people you are around with and to show who you are.

8. Don’t feel sad.

Within your first days in anew society you may remember you old friends a lot. How better’ll be you life with old besties than those strangers? You may so want to go back to you old society. I think those feeling s come to everyone’s mind who being a strange to a new society. It’s the nature. But don’t let those feeling win. Make you think that new society‘ll give you better chances because it definitely will. Also accept the truth that you can’t be always be with the ones you like.

9. Keep trying.

Follow the above tips as long as you get friends. Don’t feel bad or give up.

Friday, April 10, 2015

What if Ra’s al’ghul asks you to become his heir?

    Ra’s al ghul! 

Everybody know who Ra’s al ghul is and what he capable of? 
Though there is no such person in the world.

Within the exciting forty five minutes of an arrow episode no doubt that everybody feel like they are in starling city with the arrow. I think every arrow fan would think the same way within those minutes. And this question came to your mind.

What if Ra’s al’ghul asks you to become his heir?(I know it's stupid BUT...)

    Oh my god! What if I got such an offer? I know I’m not that much strong enough to own such a power for sure! No doubt about that. But what if I mean what if the offer turns to my side?

 I always wanted to make this world a better place. If i get that chance that would be great!
So with what you still have to make the world better with?Is there any wrong with this world?Yes, It seems that everything is perfect. But it’s not.

    The world is now poisoned by the feelings of jealousy, anger, hatred, mercy. Everybody race to conquer power, honor, merits and money. Greedys I called them. They work as individuals to make people helpless. They have no need to care or bother about the others. Sometimes even his family. Brain and body of those people work only for their gain; for their advantage.

 Human are an animal kind who prefer to live as groups and that’s why the civilizations get started. Reason for this is man always needs help. But those poisoned ones better to refer as living poison bags don’t get help from the others or don’t help the others. The just use them and keep them aside or destroy them because of the fear they have in their inside.

”Will they stand against my way?”

That is the doubt inside his mind which arouses the fear. Those greedys do all the illegal things They are ready to do anything and everything for their advantage no matter what happen to the other. Most of them of this kind already own the above mentioned things but their thirst for more and more never get quenched.

    Extreme philosophers are the next kinds who’ve been a curse to the planet earth. Some go for violent acts to overcome their political, religious ideological goals.These goals are always give the advantage only to the party who spreading the terror on innocent civilians. They use innocent civilians as a shield for in war field.
 Usage of the civilians may be, by motivation towards their aspects or by forcing them to join in their violence acts although they don’t want such aspects to make overcome personally.

They may be a government, or a nationalistic or religious organization or a group who try to overcome their objectives which only for their personal advantage. Civilians can’t go against it. Those bitches disturb the daily routing of the innocent people. They punish the innocents, Harass; Abuse; they use the civilians as the pawns in their violence game, making them suffer physically, mentally, socially and financially.

     All the above mentioned people have spoiled and have poisoned this world. 

Just search Google and have an idea how many people get punished unfairly an year, how many people die or get disabled  due to the war activities a day, how many people get harassed, robbed, abused a day.

Spend sometime and see how the people around the world suffer because the selfish work of their own kind. Try to understand that the earth is not a paradise anymore.
 The world, even the universe has bad to balance the good. Everything has both bad and good sides. But the world named balance is unbalanced now. Good side has lift to the very upper end and the bad side has gone down and still moving down. 

Few numbers of people, who use the human kind as a property own by them, don’t have humanity, kindness, in their heart and justice, impartiality in their vocabulary.
 If by any chance I become the next Ra’s al ghul.I want all those bad people to make this world a hell to the other to punish, and to eliminate from this world, to make this world balance again. It needs a great power to stabilize this balance.
”Where one falls, two more arise.”Ra’s al ghul is the only one capable of that. I know, I’m not one to judge the world. But if the god is late 
you and i should ready to do it for the sake of the whole world and for the innocent weak people until he come.

May be neither of us can become Ra's al'ghul,but stil we are human who have a voice.Let's do something as we can to make this world a better place.

So, stand against,whenever something unfair happening around you.Wake your voice against injustice and violence.Because

    'it us,who make the bad people, heroes'

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

18 Traveling tips for a better journey!

1.Pack  your bag.

   This is the most important tip to follow.Always ready for everything.Pack enough clothes and underwear,something to wear for the cold,because atleast the flight is cold,  your tooth brush,phone charger,data cables,hand free, products that you use regularly in your daily life,a pen,some chocolates or some food that you can consume with, for a short time of hunger and to get instant energy.

2.Pack less.

Don't carry too much of unnecessary things when you are packing your traveling bag.Try to carry only the essential items.

3.Reserve shopping space.

 Since it's a new country you'll have plenty of new things around to buy.May be clothes accessories souvenirs..etc.so make sure you've provide spaces for it too.

4.Change your currency early.

  Keeping the currency of the particular country you gonna visit 'll make you confident if you had to spend money with in the arrival air port.Also it'll easier for you to change our currency from the air port you are familiar than roaming in a completely new place sometimes which may very complex.

5.Stick with your budget.

Trvaling provide you new oppotunities for new experience.It may be a traditional activity or a show or anew shopping experience stick within your budget plan while enjoying everything.

6.Be aware of the native people.

Always keep in mind that you are strange to this land and this people.You don't know their way.Sometimes some of them not all may try to cheat you and to get money.Keep that in a corner of your mind when travel.I say again, it's not all of them only few. 

7.Buy a cheap water bottle which can be refill.

You may expose to sun light or another kind of a new climate which your body strange to.So drink water or fluids as much as you can to prevent your body get dehydrating.

7.Always be ready.

 When you are in a completely strange land there is a possibility you might get lost.Be prepared for it too.I recommend to keep a Piece of paper address of the place you stay is written on it in the local language.for thus you can get a help of the staff of the hotel you stay.

8.Ask from someone responsible.

  There may be people who have no idea how to help you but willing to,asking directions from those people may show you the wrong way.So it's better to ask directions from someone responsible in the society like a police officer who is in the traffic or a seller who seems to be there for a long time of period,or for someone young ans seems to be schooling.They may know English a little bit than the other people so ask anything from they that you want to know.Anything,good place to shop or to have dinner or to get done your londry.

9.Be aware of mosquitoes.

 Keep something to get get rid of mosque to bites,you can buy some mosquito avoid things like mosquito bands or something for this.

10.Be aware of the climate.

 If it's too sunny apply sun cream on the every exposed inch of your body.don't wear sanddles or flip-flops rather than you are in a beach because the sun light may crack your feet.Try to ware socks with some kind of a comfortable shoe.

11.Keep your money safe.

 Don't keep all your money in the same place or in the place where you stay.Keep them in different places like some in your wallet,some in your bag,and always keep a bit of money in a secret place where you want get loss by any means.


  Respect to the native people and admire their culture and traditions with them though you don't agree with them.Walk with a smile on your face say hello from their language but don't expect any reply.Don't think that it make you look stupid cause definitely it is .But trust me it's really fun.Try and see!

13.Obey your guide.

  If you travel with a guide obey him or her.No doubt that they know about the land and the place much more than you do.So listen and go according to his rules.If you don't have a guide always listen what natives warn about.I mean if there is some kind of a a denager in the place you are in they 'll warn you for sure.Don't ignore any worn of any one when you are in a travel.

14.What if you are lost?

 Go for a responsible person and ask for help.Never ask help from a taxi driver only if you have that piece of paper.Show it to him and take a ride.Never show that you are lost to them.they may try to get extra money from you roaming around while your hotel is in the next street to make it look it to more fuel.Or you can ask help from some who know English a bit.Go to a near by pharmacy or the supermarket if you saw those near by or not ask from a restaurant or from a teen.

15.Back up.

  Always keep copies of your pass port,Identity card,visas,birth certificate,health insurance cards  for any emergency.also the important phone number to contact in a emergency.

16.Go where the locals go.

 Because you have no proper idea about the country and it's culture it's better to follow the natives.Experience what they have and talk to them for more information of them and their life style.

17.Take lot of photos. 

 It may be a once in a life time experience so go for it .Take a photo and keep that moment forever wit you.

18.Try local food.

 This is something that you must not miss.Try at least a little bit of them from the ones seem disgusting even.Try that native tastes.It's worthy if you vomit after it but if you miss it you'll miss a huge part of the fun of traveling.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

What if your lover also still have feeling for his or her ex?

Most of the people have had more than one relationship in their life time,because no one is good at selecting the special person who you going to spend your life time with or there may be many other reasons which made both of you apart or for a break up.

 So it's hard to believe if someone says to his or her fiance that she or he is his or hers first love.There may be very few who are lucky to win their first love ending it with a marriage.But the rest have faced for painful heart breaks.So most of the time your fiance to have had few to many ex girl friends or boy friends and sometimes they may still have feelings for them too.

  In such a case how you should act to manage your relationship to proceed?

I think it's fare if someone still have feeling for their ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend while he or she is having a good new relationship with someone else,because love is not something that can wipe away completely though you want to.

Love cannot be taken from someone because it's something to be received automatically.So the most important thing that you should understand first is,does your fiance really loves you?Is he or she mean on the relationship or in the marriage?

  If he or she doesn't seem serious in your relationship,you are the one who'd be cheated if you going to continue your relationship further.If you figure out that he or she always giving more care or worry for his or her ex than he or she cares or worrys for you,then I think you should think twice about continuing your relationship.

  But if you feel that he or she really wants to forget his or her ex but still he or she can't.It's your responsibility to  help him or her.So you better give him or her sometime to recover.

 Sometimes that time may never end but I think it's not fare to force someone to forget their love because sometime if he or she had  a really strong love its not possible to wipe it completely out.So what people commonly do in such a case is they suspect him or her and try be more alert about the contacts he or she has.

 Some may argue for this or may show their dis likeness towards the contacts with the ex.If these are reactions what he or she receiving from you in every time the ex matter comes up in the scene, he or she will fade up with you.Because he or she still has the love for the ex and the pain of the break up.

  Every time that ex come to the scene it might hurt his or her feeling than we can imagine.You may think that he or she loves his or her ex than you in such situations and it may hurt your feelings too.But the love towards you never reduce with,  your lover still having feeling for an ex.If there is any reduction of the love you used to receive.It's only because of your way of responding.

  So if you really love him or her don't go for above reactions.In a situation where he or she has pain full of heart, those reactions may makes him or her feel annoying too.It's better if you let him or her talk about the ex with you and listen to his pain an make him feel better.
  Make him or her think that you care more for him and worry for him.Tell him or her how much you don't like to see him or her in a pain.Explain to him or her how much you love to see your lover being happy and try to change the subject which  he or she love, without hers or his knowledge.Don't believe what I say without trying it.Just try and see.

 Some may think why I should hide my feelings in here.But it's a must, if you really love your relationship partner.

Follow the tips I gave you for few times and see how much he or she'll like receive such a responding.If you act in a way that help him to recover from the memories he or she had and showed that you don't bother about his or hers past life anymore he or she' ll  love you more and more than you can imagine.

Love is something rude and uncivilized!Agree?

What really 'I love you' means today?

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