Friday, April 10, 2015

What if Ra’s al’ghul asks you to become his heir?

    Ra’s al ghul! 

Everybody know who Ra’s al ghul is and what he capable of? 
Though there is no such person in the world.

Within the exciting forty five minutes of an arrow episode no doubt that everybody feel like they are in starling city with the arrow. I think every arrow fan would think the same way within those minutes. And this question came to your mind.

What if Ra’s al’ghul asks you to become his heir?(I know it's stupid BUT...)

    Oh my god! What if I got such an offer? I know I’m not that much strong enough to own such a power for sure! No doubt about that. But what if I mean what if the offer turns to my side?

 I always wanted to make this world a better place. If i get that chance that would be great!
So with what you still have to make the world better with?Is there any wrong with this world?Yes, It seems that everything is perfect. But it’s not.

    The world is now poisoned by the feelings of jealousy, anger, hatred, mercy. Everybody race to conquer power, honor, merits and money. Greedys I called them. They work as individuals to make people helpless. They have no need to care or bother about the others. Sometimes even his family. Brain and body of those people work only for their gain; for their advantage.

 Human are an animal kind who prefer to live as groups and that’s why the civilizations get started. Reason for this is man always needs help. But those poisoned ones better to refer as living poison bags don’t get help from the others or don’t help the others. The just use them and keep them aside or destroy them because of the fear they have in their inside.

”Will they stand against my way?”

That is the doubt inside his mind which arouses the fear. Those greedys do all the illegal things They are ready to do anything and everything for their advantage no matter what happen to the other. Most of them of this kind already own the above mentioned things but their thirst for more and more never get quenched.

    Extreme philosophers are the next kinds who’ve been a curse to the planet earth. Some go for violent acts to overcome their political, religious ideological goals.These goals are always give the advantage only to the party who spreading the terror on innocent civilians. They use innocent civilians as a shield for in war field.
 Usage of the civilians may be, by motivation towards their aspects or by forcing them to join in their violence acts although they don’t want such aspects to make overcome personally.

They may be a government, or a nationalistic or religious organization or a group who try to overcome their objectives which only for their personal advantage. Civilians can’t go against it. Those bitches disturb the daily routing of the innocent people. They punish the innocents, Harass; Abuse; they use the civilians as the pawns in their violence game, making them suffer physically, mentally, socially and financially.

     All the above mentioned people have spoiled and have poisoned this world. 

Just search Google and have an idea how many people get punished unfairly an year, how many people die or get disabled  due to the war activities a day, how many people get harassed, robbed, abused a day.

Spend sometime and see how the people around the world suffer because the selfish work of their own kind. Try to understand that the earth is not a paradise anymore.
 The world, even the universe has bad to balance the good. Everything has both bad and good sides. But the world named balance is unbalanced now. Good side has lift to the very upper end and the bad side has gone down and still moving down. 

Few numbers of people, who use the human kind as a property own by them, don’t have humanity, kindness, in their heart and justice, impartiality in their vocabulary.
 If by any chance I become the next Ra’s al ghul.I want all those bad people to make this world a hell to the other to punish, and to eliminate from this world, to make this world balance again. It needs a great power to stabilize this balance.
”Where one falls, two more arise.”Ra’s al ghul is the only one capable of that. I know, I’m not one to judge the world. But if the god is late 
you and i should ready to do it for the sake of the whole world and for the innocent weak people until he come.

May be neither of us can become Ra's al'ghul,but stil we are human who have a voice.Let's do something as we can to make this world a better place.

So, stand against,whenever something unfair happening around you.Wake your voice against injustice and violence.Because

    'it us,who make the bad people, heroes'

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