Friday, June 12, 2015

Are you too had a terrible day?

   Everyone has terrible days. Mine was yesterday. I feel like so ugly to remind it even. From the morning of yesterday it begins to suck. I woke up yesterday too early accidentally and I couldn’t again fall in sleep till the correct time comes.

  For a sleep lover every minute in your sleep is important. And yesterday I missed two hours of it. It was a cold morning and can you imagine what kind of a great sleep I have missed? 

 This made me angry with myself a lot because I was working so late night in the past few days. I was tired and yesterday was the only day to this week I could get a along sleep. POOR ME! I don’t know what was wrong with yesterday because usually I can sleep in anytime at anywhere whenever I want!

   So that was the beginning of a sucking day. But I had to proceed my day to the end though my heart told me several times to stay at home and sleep as you wish. I forgot the morning thing and started to work on my rest of the day. I wanted to have better day no matter what happen in the morning. 

 But I missed my train and was late to my work. That missed train messed all my schedules’ had to hurry knowing I can’t make it. I had many things on my list on yesterday.I had to go to the post office to post some mails. I had to shop for a party. I had to decorate the house. I had to cook. At the same time I had to do some office work. And I had to do everything along.

  Everything was messed up and I was so busy which made me forget to breath. Worst thing was I was really tried and haven’t had a good sleep from days and my gastritis have risen to the max.
While I was shopping I lost my wallet. And I feel what kind of a hell is today! Fortunately I could find my wallet inside my own bag.i think it was since my head was on fire along the whole day. 

 What a day was yesterday! 
I still can smell its messiness! 

 Yesterday was a day in my life which went very wrong out of my control.

     I think not only me; everyone has such days in their life’s sometimes which they can remember for their rest of the life. A day which makes you nuts. A day which makes you do disappointed about yourself so much. A day which makes you regret about your work. A day you lose something very precious. A day which makes you so sad and worried. It may be yesterday today or tomorrow. No matter what day is it, those days sucks!

    As I told you before my day was yesterday! No matter how mess up my work I managed to complete all of them. I was too tired and fed up of my life. I was walking back to the train station to go back home. And my eyes stopped at a beautiful sight. It was the floral store. There were lot of fresh flowers in different colours.I went in. That natural fragrance! I smell the pleasant and sweet fragrance of roses and lot of other flowers. 

 Though it was in the middle of the city some bees were buzzing around collecting nectar from the beautiful flowers. Carnations, Roses, Lilys, and many other fresh flowers in which I don’t know their names were there. 

  In the next moment all I want to do is buy some flowers. Because I felt like those flowers made my day better wiping out all the bad in it. And I didn’t want to miss it as I’m step out from that shop. I want to have in my home to fix my day and mind more and more.

    So I buy some flowers bouquet which contains random leaves, buds and flowers. I took them home and spent ten minutes to arrange it nicely in my favorite vase. Believe it or not I feel like I’m in heaven. All my tiredness and fade up feelings vanished away after it. I felt so fresh and new. 

 All the bad things happened to me in yesterday was no longer bothering to me after I saw those flowers. It changed my mood like a magic. I forget everything for sometimes while I worked with them. It made me think that no matter how worst the situation there are many things that you should impressed of.

   So if you too had a bad day! Try some fresh flower arrangement. I think it ll make you better too. Because we are children’s of the natures and nature, our mother is always there to inspire us. Impressed us. 

   Just try and see how much of a relief‘ll it give you! If you don’t like to spend money no buying fresh flowers which is bit expensive try some artificial flowers or you can get some fresh flowers from you  own garden or if you don’t mind ask from a neighbour. 

 Spending some time with flowers vanish the bad of a terrible day!

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